Approximate Decorating time:
1 day
Decorating level: Beginner +
If you are making a particular style amp - make sure you get the measurements and downsize them to an appropriate cake size for how many guests you will need to feed. Keep referring back to photos of the Amp you are making.
With your ganached cake in place on your prepared cake board brush some shortening or water on the BACK of the cake only.
Roll out some black Pettinice mixed with tylose, cut it so it's a little bit taller and wider than your cake and place on the BACK.
Smooth it!
Use your smoother to get panel firmly in place.
Trim the top.
Use a sharp razor blade to cut along the top and the sides of of your cake so it fits perfectly.
Tidy the edges.
Remember to keep cleaning your blade so it doesn't drag the fondant.
Back is completed. Now, brush the front of the cake with shortening or water.
Roll out more Black Pettinice (with tylose added) using the clean non slip mat, lay that on top and roll to imprint the fondant.
What the imprinted fondant looks like. Cut to the height of the speaker cover on the front, but have it wider than you need.
Lay your fondant flat on a cake board, and push it up against your cake.
If you've pushed too hard with your smoother you may need to push the non slip mat against it again.
Roll out your White Pettinice that has already had Tylose added - measure the cake area above the speaker cover you just stuck on, and cut a white strip to fit in that space.
Mix some Gold Lustre with Decorators Alcohol, paint the gold on the white.
After painting, buff it with a Lustre brush to erase brush marks. Using shortening adhere it to your cake.
You're going to cover the sides of the AMP now. The Black Pettinice needs to be at least a 1/2 inch thick (a little less than 13mm). A little thicker would be great as you can loose some thickness when you put it on the cake. For both sides you will measure the side of your cake and add an extra inch to go wrap around the front, it can be a little taller but the sides need to be measured properly. When you put it on the cake sit it flush against the cake board and flush against the back of the cake, then wrap it around to the front. Cut the top level if you need to. Scrunch up a piece of baking paper and push it into your fondant, all over the sides and don't forget the front bit that wraps around. This adds the perfect texture for this Amplifier.
Scrunch up a piece of baking paper and push it into your fondant, all over the sides and don't forget the front bit that wraps around. This adds the perfect texture for this Amplifier.
Looks great!
Now for the front bottom strip. Roll out more Black Pettinice - again rolling at least 1/2" thick and 3/4" wide. Cut length of this strip using the measurement between the two sides that have come around the front. (Remember to check your reference photo to get the right measurements for your sized amp). Use shortening to stick it in place. Use your scrunched up baking paper again to add texture.
Now the top. Measure the top of the cake right to the edges of the fondant sides and back. The front can overhang (see photo). Roll out more Black Pettinice - we still need it thick but not quite 1/2" a little less - try to keep it in proportion with your amp and reference photo. Use your scrunched up baking paper again to add texture!
Roll out some thin Black Pettinice, get a triangle cutter and a circle cutter, round the edges of your triangles and place them on ALL the corners of the Amp.
Get a round piping tip to imprint three 'screws' in each corner of the triangle as pictured.
The switch is just a black rectangle with a smaller red rectangle that is cut at an angle so it has a thick and thin end.
Roll out Black and cut circles for the knobs, using a ball tool imprint the centre of two for the jacks.
Roll out thin white, cut out more circles the same size at the knobs, paint silver
Attach silver disks onto the black knobs, using your razor blade imprint lines at different points.
Use your razor blade imprint lines at different points.
Lastly I used my extruder to extrude some white fondant for my edging around the front speaker, and used a template to cut out the logo from my fondant. I will create another tutorial to show you my process soon.
Kez Maxwell runs iced by kez* in Auckland, New Zealand.
"My passion for cake decorating came from making my kids their birthday cakes and has grown from there. I have been decorating for four years now and learned so much along the way. In the beginning Youtube was my class room - but since then I've made some amazing friendships through Facebook in the vast cake world there and through these friendships have learnt so much!"
You can find Kez on Facebook and Instagram.